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Company launches new interactive calendar for 2014.

Calendar montageCalendar montageAn innovative and unusual concept has been launched by Antalis, a leading distributor of paper, packaging solutions and visual communication products, in the shape of an interactive calendar for 2014. The idea behind it is to demonstrate how paper and print can be combined with digital media to maximise the impact of marketing campaigns.

Central to the concept of the Antalis 2014 calendar is to entice customers to interact every month through a series of games, puzzles and teasers that require answers to be posted via various social networking sites such as Twitter (@Antalis_UK) and Facebook ( as well as email.

A dedicated Twitter chat hashtag - #PrintConnections - has also been introduced by Antalis. This has been included to encourage customers to join its ongoing debate and chat forums about integrated cross-media campaigns.

The 2014 calendar showcases a different Antalis product each month, such as Cocoon, Conqueror, Keaycolour and Curious Matter. This has been designed to add an additional sensory angle to the calendar which Antalis says is an element proven by research to increase success rates within direct mailing campaigns.

To make sure customers can find out more about every product, Antalis have placed a QR code at the bottom of each month that leads straight to the company’s online product guide, where they can find out more information about that specific product and buy it online.

Throughout 2014, Antalis will offer seasonal prizes to customers who have taken part in the campaign and provide the best posts and responses. In addition, the company said it is keen to hear from customers on whether they have ever tried an interactive or integrated campaign and which particular aspects of these have proved successful.

Over the coming weeks, Antalis' customers will receive calendars from their account managers and they will also be distributing a limited number of calendars to those who request a copy via social media.

Hannah Green, Antalis Marketing Executive, Office Division, said: "The 2014 Antalis calendar is a great piece of print as well as being an effective communication tool. We wanted to showcase our range of papers and interact with our customers at the same time via the use of various social media channels. Ultimately, we want the calendar to demonstrate what an integrated campaign is and how well it can work."

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