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Not one to stand still, Facebook has recently announced the launch of a new subscribe button that gives its users the ability to subscribe to a website/blog, and then receive updates directly in their Facebook News Feed.

The great thing about this new feature is its clever way of broadening the reach of your site’s content – something we all want to do.

The button is now live—and if you’re interested in giving it a try, here are the basic installation instructions.

According to the Facebook Developer blog, you can add the subscribe button using XFBML or an iFrame.

The XFBML version, which is also available in an HTML5-compliant version, allows for greater flexibility, such as dynamic resizing, as well as the ability to listen out for users who click the subscribe button in ‘real time’.

As with all other Facebook features the company has done most of the hard work for you. Simply input information into the subscribe button code generator and it will generate the code you need to plug into your site and activate the button.

This new feature is ideal for people or companies who manage a website or blog that regularly uploads new content because it’s a handy way to let Facebook users stay up-to-date with all the latest news on your site while at the same time adding a new dimension to their Facebook experience.

A further plus for the site owner, of course, is the user’s News Feeds. These will automatically contain all your new site content. These News Feeds will be shared by Facebook user’s followers giving you a chance to exponentially increase your audience.

So what do you think – a good upgrade or another annoying gimmick?

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